#What Is This?

A Hypermedia, SPA replacement stack with a minimum set of Golang, NATS.io and DataStar

#Why this stack?

Go: Typed compiled language, simple, readable code, powerful concurrency, built in profiling, cross-platform compilation, huge eco-system.

NATS.io: Umbilical cord for software. Location independence, great for microservices, sync and async patterns, streaming, KV and Object Store, multi-cloud out of the box.

Data-Star The optimum hypermedia choice. 12.6kb JS SPA replacement framework, SSE driven, rapid, small, fast, transformational.

Gonads.net Gonads.net Gonads.net

#Getting Started

Write a web thing in Golang, connect it with NATS.io and deliver Hypermedia via Datastar. Simples.



article Video chat with Lazarus / hx-pod and Delaney on Data-Star
article Delaney G: Getting started with Datastar
article Zangster300: GoNaDs Starter - A Hypermedia Application Starter Template



Creator Delaney Gillilan

Delaney Gillilan

Creator of Datastar

Creator of the GoNaDs framework

GoNaDs.net Creator / Owner

Top Contributors